Mystery Author Trick-or-Treating and the kickoff of my 13 Days of Halloween

10/19/2018 07:10


If you haven't been here before--welcome to my blog!

I'm kicking off my "13 Days of Halloween" blog/social media event today with "Fab or Fail" costume ideas for adults.

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  I love fall, spooky movies, costume parties, haunted houses, and of course the food!  


As part of a multi-author Trick-or-Treating event, I've got treats for everyone (a free book and a 99c Halloween mystery) and two drawings for two lucky winners (a set of books, plus a chance at a $100 Amazon or B&N gift card)!!!  Keep reading to find your treats!


We always have a huge Halloween party every year for the young and young-at-heart.  We do a costume contest, Halloween-themed food, decorations galore, and of course a big costume contest.  My husband and I always go all out with our costumes.  Some are Fab, and some kind of Fail.  Decide for yourself!

Let's start with an oldie but a goodie.
My husband is Mike "The Situation" from Jersey Shore.  FAIL
I'm a Roman gladiator.  Hmm...I'm not really that tough, so...FAIL

Treat #1!

Everybody gets a free book!  YOU get a free book!  And YOU get a...  
You get the idea.
Click HERE and follow the instructions to download IT'S JUST A LITTLE CRUSH, the first novel in my THE LIZZIE HART MYSTERIES series.
Back to the costumes...
My husband is Jack Skellington.  Totally FAB.
And I am Lady Liberty.  Can't get much FABber than that!
My husband is Bret Michaels from Poison, who also had his own VH1 dating show at the time of this photo, so we were big fans.  However, given that he basically just put on a wig and a bandana and wore his normal clothes, I'm going to give this one a FAIL for lack of effort.
I'm a witch (obvi).  If you look at the details, though, I've got black lipstick, wicked makeup and black nails.  FAB for going the extra mile!

Treat #2

99c Halloween ebook!
THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC, the second book in my Lizzie series, is on sale!
Get it here:  

Amazon  B&N  iBooks  Kobo

More costumes!
My husband went as himself this year...a NERD.  Get it???  I'm going with FAB because it was so meta.
I'm Anne Bonny, the pirate.  We were on a Black Sails kick, and she was my favorite character.  FAB!

Treat #3

Lizzie Hart entire series Giveaway!
Follow me on Instagram to enter.
Keeping this party rolling...
My husband as Kylo Ren.  That was a serious costume with several pieces.  Nerdy, but FAB.
And a mystery author going as a criminalist?  Definitely FAB.
And last but not least...
Uh...This falls under the "what were we thinking" category.
A garden gnome and the pink-haired tooth fairy.  The stuff of nightmares.

And now for the biggest treat of all...


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Make sure to visit everyone listed below for as much Trick-or-Treating fun as you can get, and don't forget to check back here everyday for my "13 Days of Halloween" daily posts!



Oh, here's one more...

I have no words for this one...